Friday, November 11, 2005

SAARC Reality and Agenda

SAARC summit has brought a lot of excitements in the capital of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Over 10 million Dhaka city dwellers have been disillusioned by the royal arrangements. City has been secured by elite 40,000 sophisticated law enforcement members. Yaaa... it is party time for the big leaders of the poor nations. We’re spending almost 2.2 million dollars for a two-day summit. How much do we need to spend and waste for a picture perfect summit show? Do the poor South Asians dare to put some questions on the table for their beloved, esteemed and celebrated leaders on the eve of the SAARC summit?

· Why do we fight with our neighbors?
· Why do we build up big military forces?
· Why do we race for nuclear powers?
· Why do we have big brother attitude?
· Why do we sponsor and tolerate religious extremists?
· Why are we so corrupt?
· Why do we starve?
· Where is our vote?
· Why don’t we have democratic governments?
· Why aren’t you accountable?
· Why do you think governments are your inherited properties?

There is no answer. Please next time arrange a SAARC Citizen summit for the unsung people of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka who can freely and fearlessly talk about their right, suffering, desperation and deprivation. Yes, these people are the center point of this summit. Yet, they don’t have any voice or face. They are the forgotten and neglected mass....lost in numbers. See the real picture of the SAARC countries for 2003 from the World Bank data compiled by this Addabaj:

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